Bright hair with the benefits of Sage

Salvia officinalis

How to prepare a Sage infusion for hair care


A Sage infusion gives shine to your hair and strengthens weak, dull and broken hair.

  • Boil a tablespoon of dried sage leaves in a cup of water and, once cooled, massage the infusion on the skin and lengths after shampooing
  • Rinse then everything not to leave oily traces on the hair.

  • Fai bollire un cucchiaio di foglie di Salvia secca in una tazza d’acqua e, una volta raffreddata, massaggio l’infuso sulla cute e sulle lunghezze dopo lo shampoo
  • Risciacqua poi il tutto per non lasciare tracce oleose sui capelli.


Plants are our great allies, but they can interact with drugs, not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for our personal sensibilities.

It is therefore always advisable to ask the suggestion of a professional.

Essential Oils, in the majority of cases, must be used diluted in carrier oils or with other vegetal substances.

As it treats of essences, they can also be irritating, especially for particularly sensitive people.

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