Rosemary, is an evergreen shrub plant, a symbol of the Mediterranean area, where it grows spontaneously along all the coasts but also on the dry and sunny slopes of Southern Italy.
It also flourishes in other areas of Europe but we can find it in Asia and Africa too and, in any case, in places with a temperate climate and sunny areas.
It is a perennial plant which belongs to the Lamiaceae family and can reach heights up to 3 meters. Its longlasting leaves, with a typical needle shape, have a bright intense green color on the upper part while, on the lower part, they take a whitish color, due to the presence of hair rich in oil glands Its woody stem which can be upright or "reclining" has dense and deep ramifications.
Its flowers, with the shape of a campanulate calyx, have pigmentations that vary from lilac-violet, indigo, blue and rarely white or pale blue.
Rosemary has always had a strong link with the sea: starting from its territoriality and the colors of its foliage and it is agreed that the etymology of its name derives from the Latin "rosmarinus" that is "dew of the sea" or "rose maris” that is “sea rose” or “rhus maris” that is “sea shrub”.
Rosmarinus officinalis
A plant known and widespread throughout the Mediterranean area
Plants are our great allies, but they can interact with drugs, not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for our personal sensibilities.
It is therefore always advisable to ask the suggestion of a professional.
Essential Oils, in the majority of cases, must be used diluted in carrier oils or with other vegetal substances.
As it treats of essences, they can also be irritating, especially for particularly sensitive people.